JULY 25, 2023      

Mayor Mary Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

Mary Masick, Mayor
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Marc Norton, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner

Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer

The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.

Matt Ricketts, from NTS, addressed the Commission and presented slides to map the progress of the future apartment complex located on Christian Way. After the presentation and questions from the Commission, Mr. Ricketts reported the construction plans are submitted for permits to Metro and other agencies and are awaiting approval. The bidding should take place in August of 2023 and the bid award should be in September. He requested an email distribution list of the nearby property owners to the complex so he can keep communication open with them. The Commission thanked him and looked forward to future updates from him.


The July 11, 2023 minutes were presented for approval.  After a minor word change, Commissioner Jackson made a motion for approval of the amended minutes and his motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.

The July 13, 2023 Special Called Meeting minutes were presented for approval. Commissioner Jackson made a motion for approval of the minutes and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton. Motion carried unanimously.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson—Management Report
C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported that Mitch Steeves from Simply Paperless will speak at the August 8, 2023 meeting regarding the software bid his company submitted. He stated a jointly compiled letter from the City and Rumpke Sanitation will be mailed to the residents giving an overview of their services and to explain the increase in their cost. A draft of the letter will be emailed to the Commission for their review prior to its mailing.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported that Lowe Elementary contacted him regarding an event called Leopard Palooza on Friday, September 22, 2023 and requested the City for sponsorship. After some discussion about possibly formulating grants and to create a policy, C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson said he would contact the school and ask what amount they are requesting.


Mayor Masick reported that Louisville’s Mayor Greenberg met with the city mayors at the Jefferson County League of Cities July monthly meeting on a Zoom meeting call. In addition to the mayor, the Louisville Chief of Police Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroel spoke and presented her goals for the police department. There is a one- million- dollar targeted budget for police officer recruitment for the department. Mayor Masick stated she had submitted questions regarding property taxes paid that are used for police protection and that subject is being addressed.  Another topic discussed was Flock cameras and there was interest shown in assisting with expenses to cover ongoing maintenance of the cameras.

Mayor Masick stated that Mayor Greenberg will hold quarterly meetings with the city mayors. Also, Mayor Greenberg will be the guest speaker at the annual Jefferson County League of Cities dinner in November 2023.

Mayor Masick reported that on July 24, 2023, she attended a Louisville Comprehensive Review Commission meeting at Eastern High School. She stated that approximately 20-25 Eastwood residents spoke regarding the lack of support from Louisville Metro with their infrastructure and police.

Commissioner Norton reported he had attended an air show sponsored by Rumpke Sanitation. Also, he stated he had noticed a vehicle, which is under violation, had been moved but not sufficiently completed.  The Commission was aware of the vehicle violation and discussed further action.

Commissioner Jackson reported there was interest in the office suite located upstairs at City Hall. He added that an advertisement in the upcoming Hurstbourne-Herald may be helpful for the remaining office.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell had no report.

PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner distributed renderings of Lyndon Lane and Oxmoor Woods lighting project. The letters City of Hurstbourne will be added to the blank wall entrance which will include landscape lighting.  She asked the Commission if there was any objection to the lighting project or should there be a motion to continue the project

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney John Singler reported that the property taxes for 710 Nottingham had been paid and an amended complaint had been filed on July 13, 2023. There was further discussion on debris removal at a property on Rugby and what additional action could be filed.

City Engineer Chris Crumpton reported the street paving bids will be open on Thursday, August 3, and he will have a recommendation for a bidder at the August 8th meeting. Mr. Crumpton spoke about the bids for the Nottingham culvert replacement project.  He stated once the bidder is chosen there will be a meeting with an MSD representative and the Hurstbourne Country Club to discuss the project and the downstream improvements.

Commissioner Wagner made a motion to proceed with the City’s landscaping lighting project and the letters on the wall so the contractor can make accommodations for lighting and can move forward with the project. The cost shall not exceed $22,000. Mayor Masick seconded her motion. Motion passed with Commissioner Jackson abstaining.  Commissioner Wagner added that she will confirm and have in detail that the debris from the project will be removed.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
City Treasurer Mike Rhodes reported the Storm Water fund currently has $663,000 and another $100,000 from this current year will be added. This amount will cover 50% of the top three bids.

Mr. Rhodes added for the year ending June 30, 2023 the City’s revenues were $2,553,000 and the expenses were $2,297,000 and that results in favorable of $255,000. However, that did not include the contribution from American Rescue Plan Act.

With regards to investments, two different certificates of deposit matured under the Stormwater Account, the amounts were combined and bought one certificate of deposit in the amount of $513,000 at 5.26% for four months. In the Unassigned Investments there was a treasury bill matured and it was rolled over for 6 months in the amount of $257,000 at 5.29%.


At 5:41 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Mary Masick                                                                       Tyler Johnson, City Clerk