January 12, 2016
4:30 PM
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present:           Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Rusty Wells, Commissioner
Others        John Singler, City Attorney
Present:        Bill Bennett, City Treasurer Chris Crumpton, Engineer  Faye TannerRecording Secretary
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.
Jamie Gatti of 8907 Linn Station Road and Kelly Nunn of 307 Oxfordshire Lane were present to ask a number of questions of the Commission pertaining to public safety – speeding in the City and specifically on Linn Station, solicitation, and enforcement of certain road signs.  Metro police will be asked to increase their patrol in that location and in other areas.  Mrs. Gatti was encouraged to obtain any information she could about solicitors who come to her door, and the City will then check into the matter.  She also stated that items were recently stolen from porches and mailboxes in her neighborhood.  There was discussion about alerting neighbors when there are concerns, and it was noted that the Reach program will be used when a concern has been verified.
Nancy Hafendorfer of 8915 Cromwell Hill Rd. asked the City to look into the excessive number of trees and other plantings that have been put in a yard at 8918 Cromwell Hill Rd.; just across the street from her home.  She said it is overkill and unpleasant to look at, and she was hopeful the City could do something about the matter.  Attorney Singler informed her that the City does not regulate standards for landscaping on a lot.  It was doubtful as to whether any City ordinances were violated; however, there may possibly be violations of the deed restrictions for that area.  She was advised that an option would be to talk with her neighbors in that section to determine if they are willing to hire an attorney to take this matter to court.
There were some changes to the minutes of the December 8, 2015 regular meeting of the Commission.  Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve those minutes as corrected; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-01 Relating to Designating a Mayor Pro-Tem.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 16-01 appointing Commissioner Earl Hubbuch as Mayor Pro Tem; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-02 Relating to Appointing the Superintendents for City Departments.  Mayor Schneider made the motion to approve MO 16-02 after assigning superintendents as follows for the calendar year 2016:  General Government – Commissioner Jackson; Public Safety – Commissioner Hubbuch; Public Works – Commissioner Wells; and Sanitation/Code Enforcement – Commissioner Wagner.  Mayor Schneider’ motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-03 Relating to Appointing Additional Commissioner to Finance Committee.    Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 16-03 after appointing Commissioner Wells as the additional Commissioner on the Finance Committee; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-04 Relating to Re-Appointment of the City Administrative Officer/City Clerk/Alcohol Beverage Control Officer/Code Enforcement Officer.    This MO re-appoints James E. Leidgen to serve in those positions.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 16-04; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously
Municipal Order 16-05 Relating to Re-Appointing the Attorney for the City.  This MO re-appoints John Singler, Attorney at Law, as the Attorney on retainer for the City’s legal needs.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 16-05; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-06 Relating to Re-Appointing the City Treasurer.  This MO re-appoints William H. Bennett, Jr. to serve as the City’s Treasurer.  Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve MO 16-06; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-07 Relating to Re-Appointment of City Engineer.  This MO re-appoints Chris Crumpton of Blue Stone Engineers, PLLC to serve in this position.  Commissioner Wells made the motion to approve MO 16-07; his motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-08 Relating to Appointing Members to the Code Enforcement Board.  This MO appoints Mike Bewley, Member/Chairperson, and members David Buchanan, Mischell Hutto, Norb Hancock, and Julie Yeager-Cayot to applicable terms as specified in City Ordinance 11-10.  Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve MO 16-08; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-09 Relating to Check Register Approvals for November, 2015.  Commissioner Wagner made the motion to approve MO 16-09; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 16-10, 2016.  A Municipal Order Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement Relating to Communications Services.  Attorney Singler explained that this MO relates to Hurstbourne entering into an agreement for joint public bidding with Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and the award of a non-exclusive franchise agreement(s) for telecommunication services in Jefferson County and the creation of a Uniform Franchise Agreement.  This would create a process by which high speed fiber optic service may be extended to Hurstbourne residents.  After discussion Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve MO 16-10; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
After meeting with Mayor Schneider and Commissioner Jackson, C.A.O. Leidgen stated he would be presenting to the Commission at each meeting a C.A.O. Management Report which will keep the Commission informed and up-to-date on what is going on at City Hall and around the City.  His report provided activity on various events and projects, updates on improvements at the new City Hall building as well as possible tenants, and various actions under each Commissioner’s department.  City Hall will be closed for Martin Luther King Day on January 18, 2016.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler distributed a copy of the latest inspection of the Hess property.  The response for this is due on January 25.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
Treasurer Bennett reported that the City’s auditor will be at City Hall over the next two weeks.  He has received a bank authorization which allows them on-line access to the City’s financial information.  Mr. Bennett also presented the financial report for the month ending November 30, 2015. There was discussion about possible formats to use in future financial reports.
CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT – Engineer Crumpton
No report.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Schneider
No report.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wells
Commissioner Wells reported that Engineer Crumpton will try to come up with vendors who use the new rejuvenation process and possibly try that next year on various streets.
Regarding drainage matters – Dialogue is being held with Hurstbourne Country Club regarding issues there and maintenance will soon begin on the sinkhole on Cheshire.  There was discussion about possible
retention basins which will be discussed at a later date.  Commissioner Wells and Engineer Crumpton will also be meeting with officials of Jeffersontown about a possible retention basin(s) on their section of Hurstbourne Parkway.
Commissioner Wells had sent information to each Commissioner regarding resident Michael Perkins and his request to control traffic on Nottingham, including possibly a gate at Nottingham and Linn Station.  He asked for input from the Commissioners on this proposal.  Commissioner Wagner said there were several locations in Hurstbourne with worse traffic problems than this location, and she felt a traffic study of the entire City would need to be done before any decision, such as a gate, is made.
After a discussion there came a request to inquire about the transfer of a small tract of land at the intersection of S. Lyndon Lane, Oxmoor Woods Parkway and Christian Way from Louisville Metro to the City of Hurstbourne.
Commissioner Wells asked that any potholes be reported to C.A.O. Leidgen for future repair.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that new light poles have been installed on Marksfield at City Hall and should be working within a week.  The light on the building has also been installed.
A “No Outlet” sign will be installed on Cheshire Way.
There have been a few break-ins in the City (mostly cars) and police patrols will be increased in certain areas.
He reported that the new larger-style Street Sign that hangs from overhead power lines, demarking “Whittington Parkway,” was finally installed after many months of requests to Louisville Metro from C.A.O. Leidgen. These signs are designed to be more visible to motorists. Mr. Hubbuch also stated that the Stop Sign at Marksfield and Whittington Parkway was relocated to improve safety at that intersection.
Commissioner Jackson said he likes and appreciates the Management Report presented by C.A.O. Leidgen.
Commissioner Jackson read some comments that were made from residents on social media.  There was a discussion about whether responses to such comments should come from the City.  C.A.O. Leidgen stated that the use of social media can be a useful tool for residents to communicate with one another. However, it is best for anyone with comments, complaints or concerns bring them to a Commission meeting, call City Hall, send an email, use the City website or send written notice. He also believes that the City should not respond on social media sites as it can turn into back and forth discussions.
Commissioner Jackson had asked for responses from the Commissioners to the employee review of C.A.O. Leidgen, and he had received four responses.  Mayor Schneider and Commissioner Jackson had discussed this evaluation with Mr. Leidgen, and Mr. Jackson presented the overall evaluation rate to the Commissioners.  He stated that Mr. Leidgen will also conduct an evaluation of each of the Commissioners so that each individual can work on improving those areas which need improvement.  Commissioner Jackson and C.A.O. Leidgen each expressed their opinions that this is a tool which will ultimately improve communication and performance of the Commission.
No report.
At 6:35 p.m. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner.  Motion carried unanimously.