June 26, 2012
4:30 PM
Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.

C.A.O. Jim Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Dick Hays, Earl Hubbuch and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; and Treasurer Bill Bennett. C.A.O. Leidgen determined that a quorum was present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.

Robert Rudd of 9209 Whitegate Court congratulated the Commission on the success of the recent city-wide picnic.

David Buchanan of 1100 Oxmoor Woods Parkway and president of the Oxmoor Woods Residents’ Association also said the picnic was a great community event. On behalf of their association, he thanked the Commission for the action they took at the last meeting to improve the landscaping at their entrances. He also said he was supportive of the City’s potential plans to upgrade other entrances around the City.

Ben Jackson of 8716 Linn Station Road suggested that the new City Directory be published after the November election in order that the new Commission, if it changes, can be included.

Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the June 12, 2012 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.

Commissioner Hays made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the June 14, 2012 special meeting of the City Commission. His motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.

To a question from Commissioner Hubbuch, Attorney Singler gave an update on those court cases
involving delinquent taxes. Commissioner Hubbuch expressed his concern with the extremely low assessments by the Property Valuation Office of certain houses in the City. Attorney Singler stated that the PVA is aware of the situation and will hopefully make changes prior to next year’s assessments.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Municipal Order 12-19 Relating to Setting Compensation for City Administrative Assistant for FY 2012-2013 and Municipal Order 12-20 Relating to Setting Compensation for City Administrative Officer for FY 2012-2013. Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve MO 12-19 and MO 12-20; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.

Municipal Order 12-21 Relating to Check Register Approvals for May 2012. Commissioner Wagner made the motion to approve MO 12-21; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.

Ordinance No. 12-04, An Ordinance Adopting an Annual Budget for the City of Hurstbourne for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 by Estimating Revenues and Resources and Appropriating Funds for the Operation of City Government was placed on the table for discussion. C.A.O. Leidgen stated that he and City Treasurer Bennett had reviewed the budget and they determined that some minor adjustments were needed before the second reading and approval. He had previously given them a memorandum which listed those changes. Total projected income and expenses in the General Fund are $2,098,500 and in the Road Fund $180,000 for total income and expenses of $2,278,500. Commissioner Hubbuch asked if it might be more transparent to include a specific line item to be called “Community Service and Outreach” which would not be administered by one specific commissioner. During discussion C.A.O. Leidgen said that there is a level of transparency from within the department where the expense is assigned. From an accounting position, it is logical to separate those funds. However, from a management standpoint it might work better for a commissioner to be in charge of any individual project. Attorney Singler then gave second reading by summary to Ordinance No. 12-04. After further discussion, Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance 12-04. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Mayor English called for a roll call vote on the motion: Mayor English, Commissioner Hays, Commissioner Wagner, and Commissioner Dahlem voted aye; Commissioner Hubbuch abstained. Ordinance 12-04 was thereby enacted 4-0-1.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
Treasurer Bennett presented the city’s financial report as of May 31, 2012. The City spent less than was allocated for the year and should end the fiscal year with a surplus in excess of one hundred thousand dollars.

C.A.O. Leidgen presented his Service Request/Call Traffic Log. There was an increase in calls because of issues related to the recent rainstorm. Commissioner Dahlem reported a boat in a driveway and Mr. Leidgen will follow up on this matter.

C.A.O. Leidgen gave the Commissioners a list of the delinquent taxes which now total $8,422.43. However, most of those are current year taxes which hopefully will be paid in the near future. The method of collection has been changed with letters being sent from City Hall before they are turned over to the City Attorney.

Mr. Leidgen distributed information regarding an entrance that was recently constructed in a nearby city. With regard to the City of Hurstbourne entrances discussion, he implored the Commission to do something with at least one entrance in Hurstbourne within the next fiscal year. Commissioner Dahlem also stressed that the Commission should be continually improving the City over a period of time, including upgrading the entrances. He presented a summary of the traffic coming in and out of the various entrances, and specifically mentioned the number of vehicles in a 2003 study (5,834) in a 48-hour traffic count at the South Lyndon Lane entrance, and said the number has increased since that time. He said it only makes sense that the City concentrate on that entrance first, and that they should make a concentrated effort to work on other entrances as funds become available. Commissioner Hubbuch agreed that funds should be spent on the entrances, but also thought there should be dialogue as a group in order to prioritize the projects. He made the motion to prioritize Linn Station Road as the number one entrance to work on. His motion died for lack of a second. Mayor English said he also thought the Linn Station Road/Hurstbourne entrance should be a priority. After further discussion, Mayor English made the motion to have the City Engineer come up with an alternate proposal for South Lyndon Lane along with a proposal for Linn Station Road. Both proposals are to be distributed to each Commissioner in advance of the next meeting for their review and consideration. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.

MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
Mayor English mentioned that a number of suburban cities have enacted ordinances pertaining to trees on private as well as public property. After discussion, C.A.O. Leidgen stated he will bring ordinances from other cities back to the Commission for their consideration.

Mayor English reported that there are a number of skunks in the City. Mr. Leidgen said that in most cases it would be the responsibility of the property owner to contact an exterminator.

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner expressed her pleasure with the picnic and food. She also stated that the event was well attended and received by the residents. The food that was left over was given to the Franciscan Shelter House. She thanked C.A.O. Leidgen for his assistance.

City Engineer Chris Crumpton distributed a summary of Phase 2 of the ADA Sidewalk Improvement Project, including the funding request letter, application and cost estimate, which is $38,483.

No report.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch referred to a recent article in the newspaper which mentioned other suburban cities that are considering contracting with a private security company for additional patrols. He asked the Commissioners to be considering this possibility since it might mean more coverage at a lower cost. C.A.O. Leidgen stated that the contracted security company would be in direct communication with the City of Hurstbourne on a regular basis and report to the Commission at each meeting.

No report

At 6:10 p.m. Commissioner Hays made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.